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The Housing Toolkit - being heard is important

Today saw the first steering group of experts with lived experience of learning disability joining Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) colleagues, on their Housing toolkit development.

🤝The hybrid meeting, a majority of us together a room with those choosing to dial in from their safe space, had experts and their support staff sharing equal voice, experiences, ideas, concerns and suggestions to create a toolkit for housing planning teams.

🪧Co-production guidance to ensure this approach is adopted broadly will benefit everyone in the long term and especially those who draw on housing support.

✨Looking forward to the next meeting when the steering group will review the visual resources and see what their ideas and suggestions from today will inspire.

🎉Thank you to all the support staff from Active Prospects UK Carol, Emma and Sandra, and the members of Pro-Active Community EmmaJane, Michael, Matthew Leadbeater and Robert, who are all part of this project.

🪧Daniel Jupp Kina, PhD and Rebekah Luff are embarking on a really positive opportunity to make such a difference to how housing and planning for adults with learning disability is approached.

🗣️“Nothing about us without us”
we work together to make certain these words should never be forgotten.

Steph Brown