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Silverwood - co-production at its best

There we have it - why is co-production valuable, or even necessary?

“Did you go in the sensory room, they’ve done all the things we suggested, what we pointed out would help us in a moment we might need it”

Walking through the doors at Silverwood, the new hospital at St Peter’s Chertsey, you will be aware of the small attentions to detail, silver birch glass etchings, to the layout of the reception.

The colours palet, ward names, designs, striking murals and constellations, right down to the planters and outdoor spaces it’s been such a collaboration of design and shared lived experience.

Thank you to Surrey Coalition of Disabled People and Pro-Active Community members for providing their own insights for consideration in this hospital being built.

It’s a small act on my part as an Active Prospects UK manager to facilitate such workshops or be a part of the lived experience groups, seeing the almost final results brings a sense of genuine purpose.

Working with lived experience experts to create, and raise awareness of the need for, easy read literature, considerations for ward packs or information to be visual too.

This is why co-production is valuable and necessary, providing a service to those who use it or need it can be so much more effective if their lived experiences shape it.

Thank you Sonya, Jo Patel Karen Madgwick and all the New Hospitals Programme Team and Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for giving me the opportunity to visit today, what a team achievement.

Congratulations to everyone involved in this project and wishing you all good luck next month and beyond.

Steph Brown