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Helping to build the Housing Toolkit

Workshop 2 for Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) with Rebekah Luff and Daniel Jupp Kina, PhD found Pro-Active Community Chair Michael, and members Robert and Matthew Leadbeater providing invaluable insights into the newly developed draft ‘Housing Toolkit’.

“I’m telling them what would help and the words I understand so everyone can”

Great to see all the feedback from workshop 1 in an infographic version which encapsulated everything so well.

“They listened to what we said, why it’s important to us, having my ideas used is good”

This partnership with SCIE has grown over the years of working together to co-produce resources along with other experts by lived experience of learning disability or autism.

Everyone taking part today agreed, this way of ensuring shared experiences are included in an accessible, inclusive way, builds valuable connections across all sectors.

This toolkit will provide national housing developers with guidance on the most suitable and successful ways to co-design or co-produce supported homes with those they are being designed for from outset, not at the final point.

Steph Brown