Reasonable Adjustments make more things possible for more people
Thursday 13th March was a very productive day for Pro-Active Community members.
Robert joined an in person session for part of the CancerLearn Project with Georgia Black and Anna Cox.
His ideas and feedback will help to form all the documentation being designed in an accessible format, so participants with learning disability have an inclusive format to aid understanding.
“This went well, doing it this way means we all do it together, I liked being just like this not in a big group”
Ensuring co-production, designing or developing, is completed in a suitable way for all participants is a vital part of the process.
Not everyone will want to be in large groups, so ensuring all those wanting to take part have an opportunity to do so is important. Reasonable adjustments may need to be considered, so take time to find out what works best for each person in the project.
Robert brought a lot of wisdom to todays session, plain English and fewer words have been suggested, along with better spacing.
👏🏼Thank you to everyone who has contributed so much to this first draft.