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Delivering insights to the medical teams at First Community Health and Care

A truly refreshing afternoon workshop with First Community Health and Care thanks to Jane Stapleton.

Pro-Active Community member Leanne delivered a very insightful expert by lived experience presentation about different communication needs she has found challenging in relation to hospital appointments:-

🤔Reviewing frustrations of complicated jargon loaded letters
🕥Not considering appointment times to coincide with bus pass timings
⛳️A lack of system synergy with learning disability flags across trusts
➡️Perhaps a limited awareness of the amazing easy read or easier to follow resources available to staff
✉️Difficulty in understanding hospital letters
🤔Missed or not passed on requests for reasonable adjustments

Leanne spoke to 15 NHS professionals who asked many questions about what they might do to make hospital admissions, communications and appointments better for adults who have different communication needs.

Thank you to all those who attended today, we feel confident what was shared and discussed will support making changes to current processes, and possibly steer system development to consider more experts with lived experience of learning disability or autism are in at the start of conversations about aspects of their care and the systems linked to it.

Steph Brown