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'SCIE' is the limit - Social Care Institute of Excellence Co-production Week 2024

Great webinar to launch Day 3 of Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Co-production week 2024.

Pro Active member Michael said, “excellent attendance and thank you to Daniel and Tasnim from Social Care Institute of Excellence for the invite to join them”

Presenting about his shared experiences of being an Active Prospects UK and SCIE steering group member, Michael joined Helen Guest from Active Prospects today to talk in the first workshop and answer questions from delegates.

“I felt really excited and proud I did the presentation today”

❓What one thing would you hope people take away from what you shared today?

“If they have projects they can Co-produce in any of their businesses, to share the learning with others, let people know about it”

We hope everyone who joined today, and across the week, gains valuable insight into the major benefits and absolute necessity of co-production, using the Impact Reporting tool to capture outcomes.

Jenny, Emma Jane and Robert also shared their experience of the steering group in a pre recorded film shared with all the delegates today, so many positives delivered by all their insights being heard by over 170 people.

Thank you Daniel Jupp Kina, PhD Tasnim Rahman Debbie White and the team at SCIE and TLAP for making today possible, and to all the steering group members for their participation and guidance in the right direction.

Steph Brown