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Michael makes a valuable contribution to the Food Strategy Meeting

Surrey Food Strategy meetings are always lively discussions and an opportunity to share knowledge of communities with local areas.

Exploring the draft strategy with Negin Sarafraz-Shekary,
Jennifer Smith Jane Semo and community leads, NHS, VCSEs, SCC, Age UK and Pro-Active Community member Michael, who as an expert by experience was able to sense check some of the concepts and wording and offer some valuable insights and life experiences relating to food banks, community pantries and fridges and the huge benefits of air fryers or slow cookers to help with the cost of cooking.

The group talked about plant based nutritional options, sustainability, the importance of codesign and coproduction, and the smaller changes so easy to make such as ‘bring your own water bottle’ on every meeting agenda (no more plastic bottles needed, better hydration and a possible way to stave off unnecessary snacking)

So much to action and take forward so everyone can benefit from this joined up focused approach, but another stride in the journey.

Thank you for inviting Pro Active Community member Michael and Co-Production Manager Helen to join you in another stage of the Whole Systems Approach to food.

Steph Brown